What to Do If You Have a Tree Stump on Your Property


The first thing you should know is that tree stumps take time to disappear completely. It can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years for a stump to fully rot away, depending on the species of tree and where it’s located. Some types of trees are easier to remove than others because they don’t have as many woody roots or deep root systems that prevent them from being pulled up easily.

The first thing you should know is that tree stumps take time to disappear completely.

First of all, you should know that tree stumps take time to disappear completely. Depending on the kind of stump, it can take anywhere from six months to a year for them to disappear completely.

The second thing you should know is that even if you’re not interested in keeping your tree stump around, there are still ways to have it removed without having them just cut down and hauled away by professionals.

If you’re into DIY projects, you can try removing the tree stump yourself.

If you’re into DIY projects and/or saving money, then you may want to attempt removing the tree stump yourself.

  • Be sure that your area is safe for working with tools. If not, find a friend who has a power tool set and let them handle it.
  • Check online for instructions on how to remove tree stumps in your area. This can help you plan and know what tools are needed for this job (if any).
  • If possible, hire someone with experience removing trees from their property before attempting it yourself. They’ll be able to provide better advice than I could ever give on how best to go about getting rid of those pesky stumps!

You can also use a chemical remover to break down the wood fibres of a tree stump.

Chemical removers are most effective when the stump is still fresh. If you have a tree stump that has been exposed for several years, it’s probably too late to use this method. The chemicals will not be able to penetrate far enough into the wood fibres to destroy them.

You may also use a tree stump grinder, which will grind up the wood fibres and allow them to decompose more quickly.

A tree stump grinder is a tool that can be used to remove the stump of a tree. It will grind up the wood and allow it to decompose more quickly.

There are also some methods you can use at home if you have a large tree stump on your property.

And of course, if you have access to heavy machinery or tractors with big tires, the tires can crush a tree stump by rolling over it many times.

And of course, if you have access to heavy machinery or tractors with big tires, the tires can crush a tree stump by rolling over it many times. But this isn’t as easy as it sounds. The machine has to be able to fit around the stump so that all sides are crushed to make sure it’s gone for good. If your property is small enough, or if the other side of your house isn’t too close, this could be an option for you.

Clear out the stump: If you want to plant in that spot, cut away the majority of the tree stump, so you have a good surface for planting. This can be done with a chainsaw, or you can use an axe and a hand saw.

One way to get rid of the stump on your property is by cutting away the majority of it with a chainsaw or axe. This will give you a better surface for planting, as well as make it easier to dig up later on if necessary.

Chip away at it slowly: Carve holes in the side with an axe, then use a sledgehammer to break off small chunks of wood from the stump’s sides.

  • Use an axe to carve holes into the side of the stump
  • Use a sledgehammer to break off small chunks of wood from the stump’s sides
  • Repeat until all that’s left of your tree is a pile of sawdust and wood chips

Leave it alone: Let the stump rot naturally if you want to keep it there. Stumps often rot in place and become home to mushrooms, bugs and other creatures. You can put a potted plant or bench on top to cover up the stump.

If you want to keep the stump and make it a feature of your garden, or if it’s too big or heavy to move, there are some things you can do.

Use your imagination. For example, if the fallen tree has been on its plot of land for years and is quite large, consider making a small pond in which to place the stump. You can use bricks or paving slabs around this area so people don’t trip over them when walking around the garden. If water is not available nearby then consider planting some plants around it – try something exotic like bamboo!

Raise it: You can raise the height of a stump by adding soil around it. This will make it easier to mow around (and over) the stump and make it less obstructive.

You can raise the height of a stump by adding soil around it. This will make it easier to mow around (and over) the stump and make it less obstructive.

If you have a garden, this can also be used as an opportunity to add some extra nutrients to the soil. Just dig up around the roots, add your compost and then water them in a well. You’ll have beautiful flowers in no time!

Use chemical treatment: If a stump is stubborn and refuses to budge, you can apply a chemical accelerant called potassium nitrate to speed up its decomposition. This can take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year depending on how much chemical is used and what species of tree is being treated.

If a stump is stubborn and refuses to budge, you can apply a chemical accelerant called potassium nitrate to speed up its decomposition. This can take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year depending on how much chemical is used and what species of tree is being treated.

Hire someone else to do the job for you: Some professionals specialize specifically in removing tree stumps. They have tools such as stump grinders or hydraulic jacks that make short work of old stumps!

If you think it’s too much of a bother to remove your tree stump and you’re not sure how to go about it, then the money is no object. You can hire someone else who will do all the work for you. Some professionals specialize specifically in removing tree stumps. They have tools such as stump grinders or hydraulic jacks that make short work of old stumps!

Get a quote

Once you’ve narrowed down the options for dealing with your tree stumps, it’s time to get quotes from professionals. The best way to do this is by asking around and getting recommendations from friends and neighbours. If you don’t know anyone who has hired an arborist before, search online for local companies or even nationwide chains that specialize in stump removal. When comparing quotes, make sure they are comparable on all fronts—prices can vary widely depending on where you live and what type of service(s) you want.

The internet is also a great resource for researching companies’ reputations and experience levels with different types of stumps (hardwood vs softwood). Keep an eye out for reviews online as well!

Chop it into pieces

If you have a tree stump on your property, you may need to chop it into pieces. A chainsaw can work well for this task, but if you don’t have one handy, you can use an axe or hatchet as well. As with any type of chopping or cutting, be sure to wear protective clothing like gloves and eye protection before starting work on the stump. You’ll also want to make sure that there aren’t any hard objects nearby that could get knocked over by a flying blade (like another person). Once you’ve got everything set up safely and securely, start chopping away! Make sure that each piece is small enough so it will fit into a wheelbarrow easily—this will make transporting them much easier later on down the line when it comes time for removal

Remove the stump by hand

  • Remove the stump by hand. In this case, you’ll need to use a flat-head shovel or pickaxe and remove the soil around it. Then, you can break off as much of the stump as possible with your hands. This method is time-consuming and can be difficult if there are roots present in the ground that have grown into other plants or trees nearby.

Dig out the stump

Stumps are usually dug out after they’ve been removed, but you can also dig them out before. If you’re going to do this, take care not to hit the stump with your shovel or you might damage it and make it more difficult or expensive to remove later on. Also, remember that the best time to dig a tree stump is when it’s frozen. This is because if there’s no water in the root system, then there will be less chance of them breaking off during removal.

Stump removal chemicals

While it may seem like a good idea to use chemicals to remove tree stumps, they do more harm than good. Not only can they damage your lawn or garden, but they also have the potential to pollute local water sources. As such, they should be avoided at all costs.

Burn it up

Burning it up.

This is probably the easiest way to get rid of a stump. You can simply burn it up with a fire, but make sure you don’t use gasoline or lighter fluid as they will contaminate the soil and water supply. If you use firewood that has been cut from trees on your property, this method will also be safer for your family because there won’t be any chemicals in the smoke coming out of your chimney (just soot!).

  • Remember: Be careful not to start a wildfire!

Pull it out with a winch

If you’re in a hurry and don’t want to wait for someone else to remove the stump, you can do it yourself. If you have an ATV with a winch strap or cable winch, then this is a great option.

The first step is to make sure there is no other way out of the hole that the stump has left behind. Then, set up your winch line on both sides of where the stump was removed so that it wraps around it like a noose. Make sure that no sharp edges are sticking out anywhere because they could damage your rope line during operation! Finally, start pulling on one end while keeping yourself braced against something sturdy so as not to move off balance when pulling against something heavy like this! It may take some time but eventually, everything will come loose enough until finally after several hours (or even days) later you will have successfully released all tree roots from the soil without any need for professional assistance whatsoever!

Rental tree stump grinder

If you’re not sure what you’re going to do about your tree stump, one option is hiring a rental tree stump grinder. A rental company will come out to your home and remove the tree stump for you. There are many ways that this can be done, but here are some of the most common:

  • The rental company will use an excavator to dig it out of the ground (this method is recommended only if there are no underground utilities nearby)
  • They may use a chipper/shredder or a wood splitter (these methods can be more time-consuming)

Grind that stump down to its roots

  • If you have a small stump or one that’s been there for a long time, grind it down to the roots.
  • Get an arborist to remove it for you.
  • If your large tree is no longer growing in your yard, ask the city if they’re going to take care of it and then grind all the stumps down yourself with some help from friends and family members.

Let it decay naturally.

One way to get rid of a tree stump is to let it decay naturally. This is the best option when you don’t want to spend any money and can wait several years for the stump to completely disappear.

To allow decay, make sure that there’s good drainage around the tree stump so water can flow away easily. Leave some grass or other plants growing around it as well (or simply mow regularly). You’ll also need to leave a few inches of soil around each side of your tree stumps for them to rot properly—don’t dig up all of it!

Hire a Stump Grinder.

  • Get a stump grinder.
  • A stump grinder is the most effective way to remove a tree stump quickly and easily. If you have more than one stump on your property, this may be the best option for you. Stump grinders can be rented from any local hardware store or rental company, but make sure you get all of the necessary safety equipment when using one!

Hire a tree care service to remove the stump for you.

If you have a few extra dollars to spend, hiring a tree care service is the way to go. These companies are well-versed in removing stumps, and they know what tools and chemicals to use for each species of tree. They’ll also make sure that the stump is completely gone so that it doesn’t come back later on.

If you’re trying to save money on your next project, here’s how you can get started finding affordable stump removal services:

Burn the stump if legal in your community.

If you live in a community that allows the burning of trash, and the stump is on your property, another option would be to burn it. This is not recommended if you live in an area where air pollution is a problem or where there are many homes nearby.

Burning can be done with propane gas or natural gas. If you choose this method, first remove all leaves from the top of the stump and do not allow any brush or other materials to gather near the stump during burning because these items could catch fire during ignition and cause extensive damage before being extinguished by volunteer firefighters who may already be busy fighting fires in another part of town.

Dig it out

If you have a small tree stump or one that’s been in the ground for a long time, you can dig it out. The easiest way to do this is with a shovel and bucket.

First, use the shovel to remove any dirt around the base of the stump so it’s exposed. Then, place one end of an empty 5-gallon bucket into the hole where your tree used to be and fill it up with water. After that, pour this water over your stump using an open-top funnel (this will help loosen the roots). If there’s no room in your home for digging out stumps this way, try using a power auger instead!

Hire someone else to dig it out

If you find yourself in a situation where your tree stump is so big that you cannot remove it yourself, hire someone else. Many professionals with equipment can take care of this job for you.

Burn it

If you want to burn it, consider the following:

  • It’s easier to remove a tree stump if it’s still fresh. If you wait too long, the roots will have more time to get entangled with other parts of your property.
  • You can’t control where the fire goes or how much smoke and ashes are generated by burning a tree stump. This might be an issue if there are neighbours around or if there is a windy day that could spread smoke throughout your neighbourhood.
  • Depending on the size and type of tree that was removed from your property, this method may not be suitable for all stumps because it could take days or even weeks before they catch fire and burn completely away.

Push over the stump with a tractor

If you have a small tree stump, you can push it over with a tractor.

First, get the tractor on your property and ready to go. Then, find the stump and position the tractor where it makes sense for you to be able to push over the tree. Walk around behind the tractor and take hold of its safety bar or whatever it is called in your area. Before beginning this process, make sure there are no people or animals nearby that might get hurt by falling objects when you tip over the stump! With everything clear, start up your engine and hit “Go” on your remote control button for starting up remote-control equipment (RC vehicles). Now that everything is set up properly, begin pushing over your tree stumps with all of your strength until they fall over into pieces or they naturally break apart without even needing any intervention from you at all—either way, works!


Grinding is one of the easiest and most common ways to remove a stump. It involves using a machine that grinds away at the stump, chipping off pieces until it’s gone. The chips can then be used as mulch or composted for use in your garden.

The main drawback to this method is that it can take a long time—sometimes years—to completely remove the stump through grinding alone. This is because you need enough power on your grinder to break up the wood into smaller pieces, which then need to be ground down into sawdust and finally they can be removed from the site. Before beginning work, make sure that you have enough room in which to work safely around your machine as well as ensure there are no overhead cables or power lines nearby that could pose a risk if you accidentally cut them with your blade.

Rot it away.

If you have a stump in your yard and don’t want it there, there are several ways to remove it. Some of these methods will be more difficult than others, so you must evaluate the type of stump you have before deciding how best to proceed with the removal. Stumps can be removed by hand, but if they are too large or too old they may require heavy machinery (such as an excavator) or even explosives.

A rototiller is a machine that looks like an overgrown lawnmower that uses tines instead of blades to dig up dirt and rocks. Because the tines go deep into the ground and turn at high speeds, they often do more damage than good when used on stumps because they tear up the surface around them rather than digging down into them. If you decide this is the method for getting rid of your stump then make sure that all loose debris from its removal has been removed from around its perimeter before applying any herbicide products so as not to create an unsafe environment where children might play later on down the road when things grow back again!

Fill it in.

You can also fill it in with soil, but this requires a bit more effort than simply covering the tree stump with soil. If you decide to go this route, you’ll need to dig out all of the roots and make sure that there are no rocks or other debris in the hole. After that, fill it up with dirt so that your tree stump is covered by at least 6 inches (15 cm) of soil.

When using this method for removing tree stumps, make sure they don’t dry out while they’re still alive because they will start growing again once they’ve reached maturity!

You can get rid of a tree stump in many ways, but the cheapest and easiest is to hire a professional tree care service to do the job for you.

If you are looking for a way to get rid of a tree stump, many different ways can be done. The cheapest and easiest is to hire a professional tree care service to do the job for you.

If you have a large tree stump on your property, it’s best if you hire someone who has experience in removing stumps and trees from their property. This ensures that they will be able to remove the stump safely without damaging anything else around it or making any mistakes during the process. Additionally, they will know what kind of equipment they need and how much time it will take them to complete this task correctly so that no one gets hurt doing this job themselves!


The best way to get rid of a tree stump is with the help of a professional. If you’re interested in learning how we can remove your tree stumps and give you a quote, contact us today!